Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lexus Concept Car Front Right

Lexus Concept Car Front Right, originally uploaded by Myopic_.

Lexus built five of these for the Minority Report movie production company. Our friend's son purchased this one on EBay from the production company.

Concept car

Concept car, originally uploaded by jamigo198.

Behold, The Future: Euroscraper...Scrapes Europe, Not Sky?

Behold, The Future: Euroscraper...Scrapes Europe, Not Sky?

euroscraper2.jpgThe Euroscraper is a donut in the long john-dominated world of skyscrapers. Recently placing third in theeVolo Architecture Skyscraper competition, we love this vision of the future

Granted, it's horrible for preserving ground real estate. But it looks neat.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Compenion: The laptop from 2015

Compenion: The laptop from 2015


The Compenion is a sleek concept laptop designed by Felix Schmidberger. It certainly looks like the kind of portable PC we might be carrying around in 2015, made more futuristic by its OLED touchscreen, which serves as both monitor and keyboard. You can tap away by hand or use the "senstylus" pen to control it, and through a series of docking stations the Compenion will adapt to the environment where you're using it. For example, the home dock might have a projector for viewing video, while the office might include ergonomic stuff like an external keyboard.

As cool as smartphones are, laptops certainly aren't going away, so the Compenion makes a decent case for next-gen mobile computing. Between its sleekness, the OLED touchscreen and innovative modular concept, it's got a lot to going for it. Not sure about that name, though, Felix.

See more renderings of the Compenion after the jump.

Felix Schmidberger at Coroflot, via Yanko Design


Thursday, June 14, 2007

mecanoo NKPAC Foyer FLythrough

Mecanoo architects won the competition for the National Kaohsiung Performing Arts Center, Taiwan.
fly trough the foyer

Monday, June 11, 2007

Pegasus Concept Wheelchair Adds Vertical Movement

Pegasus Concept Wheelchair Adds Vertical Movement


By now you should know I’m a whiny brat like that kid on the “The Sopranos,” and that I always look favorably upon gadgets that try to help the needy. Hence, Pegasus, yet another design concept that tries to improve the lives of the wheelchair-bound. In addition to functioning as an everyday wheelchair, the Pegasus allows for some degree of vertical movement, giving the user, hopefully, a greater sense of mobility. Simple, everyday things like going to the market can be made easier; items once out of reach are now within, etc. I like the idea.

Pegasus, Upright Wheelchair [Yanko Design]

Other Crazy Designs From That Firm

Futurism, done right.

Futurism, done right., originally uploaded by andy castro.

The new Siemens exhibit in Disneyland's Innoventions attraction features striking futuristic theming and design with curved, swooping angles, brushed chrome, and bright blue glowing neon

Project Tomorrow

Project Tomorrow, originally uploaded by andy castro.

The futuristic-looking new Siemens exhibit, Project Tomorrow, in Disneyland's Innoventions showcases future technologies the Siemens corporation is developing in various fields including medicine, infrastructure, power, and transportation.