Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Design Concept: Whoa! SLIQ is One Sexy Phone Concept

Design Concept: Whoa! SLIQ is One Sexy Phone Concept

Whoa! SLIQ is One Sexy Phone Concept


It's been a while since a cellphone has filled us with as much lust as this SLIQ design. It's a concept by Mike Serafin with no keypad and what he calls an "advanced touch interface." It better be pretty advanced, because we haven't been all that impressed with touch interfaces thus far.

Its illustrations have the Samsung logo either proudly or hopefully displayed, but we're not sure if this is a Samsung-authorized design or not. Besides its good looks, the concept has one particularly unusual feature we've never seen in a cellphone before.

Get this, the most unusual feature: it has a crank that powers it up, so maybe it doesn't even need batteries. Neat. check out these design sketches:


Also included in this possibly vaporware concept is a 2-megapixel camera with a Schneider-Kreuznach lens that looks like it retracts into the phone's slightly bulging top section. Even with that camera goodness, the design calls for an ultra-thin profile of a mere 10mm. Its shiny toy-like form factor with its sexy disappearing LCD screen really gets us going. OK, back in our holes.

Designer's Page [Coroflot, via Yanko Design]

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